Remember, almost all "flu" is the ordinary cold
virus, which is unpleasant but not dangerous.
Do all the normal good stuff, like eat fresh, lots
of raw greenies and fruit.
Take your supplements, especially vitamin D.
This is the number one anti-flu remedy. Be
sure to take 4,000- 5,000 IU of the D3 form daily
(up to 10,000 daily).
Take your vitamin C, as Linus Pauling prescribed.
You'll likely not get any viral illness. But if you
do, here's a hot remedy I've been teaching for over
35 years:
Take 10,000 units of vitamin A daily for 3 days
(you MUST then stop for safety reasons) but that
will almost certainly blow it.
PLUS you do vitamin C orally up to the bowel
flush level (diarrhea) but take at least 25
grams daily for 3 days, even with rotten
diarrhea, and then drop to tolerance (split the
load, less likely to upset the bowel).
Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, can survive these 3
antibiotic/anti-viral vitamins. They work together
like magic. Put the details in your smartphone and
keep them!